Terms and Conditions


a. These terms and conditions apply to all products and services provided by Yasham Digital Ltd.
b. Yasham Digital reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to modify and alter the terms contained on this page.
c. In this document, “Yasham” refers to Yasham Digital Ltd.

Validity of the Agreement

a. This Agreement shall remain in effect until it is canceled.
b. The customer can request the cancellation of this agreement at any time by giving written notice to Yasham Digital Ltd one month before the date of cancellation. The customer must pay all due wages, and any wages or contributions paid in advance will not be refunded.
c. Yasham may cancel this agreement in the following cases:
– At the request of official authorities.
– If the customer breaches any of the conditions of this agreement.
– For specific reasons related to the company’s interest, in which case a written notice will be sent to the customer one month before the cancellation date.

Customer’s Commitment

a. This agreement includes all services provided by Yasham Digital Ltd to its customers. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the customers and all beneficiaries of these services to adhere to it.
b. Agents, distributors, owners of private servers, and their clients are bound by this agreement. The company will not be obligated to fulfill any obligations to their clients if they do not comply with the company’s provisions.
c. By signing this agreement or using any of Yasham’s products or services, the customer acknowledges that all data provided to Yasham are correct.
d. The customer acknowledges their commitment to update their data when requested by the company or periodically as determined by Yasham Digital Ltd, and to update their data whenever there is a change to ensure the company can provide all services.
e. The customer acknowledges responsibility for all content offered through any of the services provided to their clients.
f. The customer agrees to indemnify the company and hold it harmless from any liability or obligations resulting from breaching any conditions of this agreement.
g. The customer must inform Yasham Digital Ltd in writing or through technical support if their mailbox address or email changes.
h. The customer may not engage in activities contrary to company policy, such as:
– Contradicting Islamic law or morals, such as links to hostile or pornographic sites.
– Illegal use of company services.
– Inciting public security disturbances, violence, or terrorism.
– Abuse of others’ legal rights, including but not limited to:
– Publishing private information without consent.
– Violating intellectual property rights.
– Deliberately spreading harmful information.
– Storing or distributing illegal materials, including pirated software and hacking tools.
– Using or distributing IRC programs or related services on Yasham servers.
– Possession or encouragement of prohibited activities and programs, which may result in service suspension or cancellation.
– Yasham reserves the right to examine system files, mail, and other data to identify blocked content or for other necessary reasons.

Conditions to be Met by the Customer

a. Using Yasham’s services requires familiarity with internet protocols, languages, and programs, with the necessary knowledge depending on the customer’s expected use.
b. The customer acknowledges they have the required knowledge to use Yasham’s services and that the company is not responsible for providing support beyond ensuring the services continue to operate.

Terms and Conditions for Using Shared System Resources

a. If the customer’s account shares system resources such as processing power, memory, and network resources with other clients, all clients are entitled to equal access based on their subscription type. Overuse will result in the customer being informed and given the option to upgrade their subscription or reduce resource consumption to an acceptable level.
b. Programs or scripts (e.g., CGI, PHP, ASP) can be used, but they must not be installed for external use in a way that affects device or network performance. If this occurs, the programs will be closed without prior warning.
c. Chat rooms are prohibited within hosting spaces on Yasham’s devices but are available within the company’s services. Yasham’s chat programs are reliable and do not harm the network or devices.
d. Background programs (e.g., IRC bots, eggdrop) are not allowed.
e. Shared hosting accounts must distribute traffic over a month. Sudden use of the entire traffic in one day is prohibited. Yasham will make necessary arrangements if desired.

System and Network Security

Any attempt to obtain network security information, interfere with services, or contact servers to spy or circumvent security systems is considered a violation of this agreement and will result in account suspension without prior notice.


Using spam mail can damage the network. The following activities are prohibited:
– Sending spam messages.
– Sending messages that cannot be answered or traced.
– Sending trolling messages.
– Creating messages exceeding normal resource use.
– Adding people to mailing lists without their consent.
– Distributing or selling spam-related programs.

Technical Support

a. Yasham provides technical support only for its services, excluding problems from external programs or customer errors.
b. Technical support is provided through Yasham’s systems, with the company reserving the right to create new systems or stop existing ones.
c. Customers must keep the order number for reference if support is delayed.

Yasham Digital Products Warranty

a. Yasham provides warranty for all its products and projects.
b. The warranty includes maintaining the product, downloading updates, restoring the product after technical failures, and fixing problems within 48 hours for free.
c. The warranty is canceled if the customer requests “Root Access,” transfers the product to another server, or allows external technicians to modify the product.
d. Yasham reserves the right to charge for repairs or modifications outside the warranty.
e. The product can be returned to warranty for a fee, but Yasham is not responsible for lost data after leaving the warranty.

Accompanying Programs

a. Yasham provides programs in the control panel from the source without modification. Support for these programs is through the original companies’ sites.
b. Using these programs means the customer agrees Yasham is not responsible for any damages caused.


Yesham backs up the servers on a daily, weekly, and monthly but is not responsible for data loss during restoration. The customer is responsible for maintaining their site’s contents and can use control panel programs to create backups.

Limits and Rights

a. Domain Names
– Yasham respects customer domain ownership and provides a control panel for domain management.
– Customers will be notified before the reservation period expires, and they have priority in renewing.
– The reservation cannot be undone or refunded after payment.
– The domain cannot be retrieved after the reservation period ends and a month has passed.
b. Hosting
– Customer information on Yasham’s servers is solely the customer’s right, and Yasham cannot prevent access or deletion unless financial obligations are unmet.
c. Servers
– Server fees must be paid before the due date shown on the invoices sent to the customer. Failure to pay will result in the service being suspended and canceled within 30 days.

Ordering Services from Yasham

a. Applications can be submitted through customer service on the website.
b. Customer information on Yasham’s servers is solely the customer’s right. Yasham cannot prevent access to or deletion of this information unless financial obligations are unmet.
c. Yasham reserves the right to refuse any instructions or inquiries from the customer.
d. The customer is responsible for ensuring that only authorized persons access their services on Yasham’s servers and for maintaining the confidentiality of user IDs and passwords. Unauthorized use or misuse resulting in losses or damages is the customer’s responsibility.
e. The customer authorizes Yasham to provide notices and correspondence through technical support and pledges to maintain message confidentiality.

Designing and Developing Websites and Applications

a. The site is studied before determining the price.
b. An advance payment is required upon price approval.
c. The remaining amount is due after work completion per the contract.
d. If the customer withdraws or terminates the contract without justification, the advance payment is non-refundable.
e. Yasham is authorized to purchase necessary software licenses.
f. Installing pirated or unlicensed software is not permitted.
g. Delivery dates are adhered to, but delays may arise from customer modifications. Orders not reviewed for six months are considered canceled.
h. Yasham is not responsible for intermediary companies’ policies or products developed by other companies used to design customer sites.
i. The customer will not access the control panel until Yasham completes and hands over the control panel.

General Conditions

a. Service will be suspended for agreement violations until the investigation is complete.
b. Failure or delay by Yasham to exercise any right does not constitute a waiver of that right. Yasham’s rights and judicial measures are legitimate and mutually reinforcing.
c. These conditions are subject to the laws and regulations. Disputes are settled by competent judicial bodies.

The terms of this agreement may change at any time by Yasham’s management, with customers notified accordingly. Use of Yasham’s services implies acceptance of these amendments.