The Importance of SEO for Websites

The internet is the best and fastest search tool and the most used by people. Every day, billions of people access the internet to search for various types of information or products, which means having your website or product on the internet is very important.
According to studies, people usually only check the first or second page of search results. What helps you appear in the top search results is SEO.
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is the science that involves tools and procedures followed to improve the visibility of a website or web page in unpaid search engine results (like Google) so that it appears in the top results. This is achieved by studying how search engines work and the factors that affect website ranking in search results.
The procedures followed in optimizing a website for search engines are divided into two categories:
1- White Hat: This involves the methods approved by search engines, like those provided by Google for webmasters, including content structure and site quality improvement.
2- Black Hat: These are illegal tricks rejected by White Hat proponents, who see them as unfair ways to improve site visibility. Black Hat proponents argue that the ultimate goal is to improve your site’s visibility in search engines, regardless of the method.
– SEO Mechanisms:

They are also divided into on-page and off-page SEO.


These are all the processes and modifications we do on the site itself to optimize it for search engines. Yasham Internet Design and Programming Company provides the most important points:

1- Adding Keywords or Meta Tags

  • Short tail keywords: Consist of 3 words or less and have high search demand but high competition.
  • Long tail keywords: Consist of at least four words and have low search demand.

The main factor here is specificity; the longer the phrase, the more specific it is, and the fewer search results there will be.

2- Using Headings:

  • – H1 Usage: The H1 heading should appear on the page only once, placed at the beginning of the text, preferably at the top of the page. It should be placed above other level headings and should have a larger font size than lower-level headings.
  • – H2 Usage: H2 is used for major headings in the topic. For example, if your topic has three main sections, each section gets an H2 heading because they are main headings that will contain subheadings.
  • – H3 Usage: H3 is used as a subheading under H2. It is not allowed to place H3 first.

3- Internal Links:

These are links to pages within the website itself, with the importance of:

  • – Ease of navigation and use.
  • – Increasing page views and reducing bounce rate.
  • – Improving site page indexing.

4- Using Images:

  • 1- Give images the correct name that reflects the content.
  • 2- Use alt text, the alternative text that appears if there is a problem displaying the image.
  • 3- Choose the best image type (note that page load speed significantly affects SEO, so pay attention to the image type and size without compromising quality).

The last point, and the most important, is the uniqueness of the page content, which must be unique and not copied from other sites. SEO is an advanced and extensive science; a site will not appear in top search results overnight. Achieving top search results requires constant effort, follow-up, and work on the site to get the best results.